Harper Security Research Group
Finding Solutions    

Thanks to everyone involved for making our March Symposium such a success.

We still have a few of the mugs, which are available for the usual fee. Since there's only the mugs left, I don't see any need for an eCommerce site, though I don't rule it out in the future.


Members -- Please begin to prepare for our April Symposium:

Certs: What They Do and How Well They Do It

The HSRG April Symposium will convene on Saturday, April 9, 2005, at 3pm, in suite #204. Have a light lunch, as we'll be ordering dinner for delivery.

Extra kudos to any members who make the supreme sacrifice: getting a cert just to report on it for the group.

Our topic for our next symposium:
JSON/AJAX and the new web experience: Ideas, changes, security, bandwidth and other goodies/gotchas


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